Ebenezer Healthcare Access

Albert Mugiraneza MBA

Born and raised in Rwanda, Albert holds a Bachelor’s degree in law and a Masters’ degree of Business Administration from the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI). He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science, Criminal Justice and Social problems at Wright State University. Early in his career, Albert has worked for Avocats Sans Frontières/Lawyers Without Borders as an Assistant to the Project Coordinator. In this capacity, he participated in drafting the first organic law governing the Gacaca Courts (traditional justice in Rwanda), was involved in monitoring the functioning of these courts and was instrumental in both the preparation and the publication of the compilation of the jurisprudence relating to the genocide cases in Rwanda. After 5 years, he transitioned to the international justice system where he worked for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (a United Nations entity) based in Arusha, Tanzania, as a Language Specialist with case management responsibilities. After 15 years of dedication and commitment to the cause of justice, he moved to the United States of America, precisely in Dayton Ohio where he got hired by Thrive Urban Impact Sourcing, an IT firm based in Cincinnati that specialized in IT consulting. Thrive deployed him at CareSource for almost a year where he was responsible for software quality assurance in the IT department and worked as a software tester. He is both an ISTQB and NHA-certified professional as software tester and a Medical Billing and Coding Specialist respectively. He also holds a certificate in legal translation from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa) One of his core values that has always echoed throughout his career is his desire to make a difference by positively impacting those around him. Albert is very active in his church and enjoys spending time with his family, staying fit and eating good and healthy food.